In the wake of COVID-19, the International Wedding Festival has made several changes as we prepare to resume live events in the Central Valley and Bay Area. Our Wedding Fairs have been well attended by hundreds of couples seeking answers to their wedding planning questions. Now, we look at live events in an entirely new way.
Changes begin before even entering the building. All registration will be 100% online. Couples will purchase tickets online as they have always done. We will no longer "stamp" attendees, and will instead issue tyvek wrist bands to those who have paid for entrance to the event.
Spacing distance will be recognized in the line.
Swag bags will be picked up by attendees without the use of an attendant handing bags to attendees. Wedding veils will be adorned by a family member and no longer by an IWF Registration Attendant.
We require all attendees to wear masks at all times, except when sampling cakes, eating, drinking, or sampling catering services.
Signs will be posted at the entrance that educate people about social distancing, hand washing, sanitizing, and a disclaimer that by entering the facility they hold the building owners, event producer and exhibitors harmless of transmission of airborn illness.
In an effort to recognize social distancing guidelines, we will have continuous fashion shows throughout the day, instead of just one fashion show. Stages will be at more eye level and allow for better visualization without close seating.
Each of our exhibitors will display hand sanitizer and will encourage the use of cell phones and mobile apps to take photos of literature and ideas, rather than distributing marketing materials.
Santizers will be present at registration.